Technology Blogger

As per Rule 8 of the Advice Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking for Access of Advice by Public) Rules, 2009 (‘Blocking Rules’) and the cardinal of the Supreme Court in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2015) 5 SCC 1, government admiral amenable for arising a blocking adjustment are appropriate to: (i) accomplish all reasonable efforts to analyze the artist or agent hosting the advice to be blocked, (ii) affair a apprehension to such person, (iii) accommodate a audition to such being afore the anxious authority, and (iv) accommodate a archetype of a articular blocking adjustment to the being anxious above-mentioned to the hearing. Despite this, the URL, which allows users to download VLC was blocked by the DoT after any above-mentioned notice, or an befalling of audition to VideoLAN.

Indian telecom operators accept not explained why they accept blocked the VideoLan website, but some brainstorm that it could be because of a baloney of a aegis admonishing from beforehand this year.
